Thursday, 8 March 2012

It's been a funny few days.....

Hi all, hope you are having a good week. Mine's been a funny one , well it has since last Friday night really. It was my weekend of nights in work we had one lady coming to the end of her life, two others falling one quite badly so needing a paramedic. Then Tuesday night we had a death. In the 16years I've been doing care work it's the first death I've had to deal with while being on shift, I know I've been very lucky. Thankfully the lady died very peacefully and it was a blessing really. It was my first in laying someone out, a strange feeling but I treated it like she was just sleeping and it was the last good thing I and my work mate could do for her. My first in handling a dead body.I'm just glad I was on shift with my workmate who's an experienced carer who has dealt with death several times, it does help.
I'm hoping tomorrow night at work will be an uneventful one!
On a cheery note the sun is shining, my washing machine is on the go, I've a pile of ironing to do, the bedrooms need hoovering and I've a 12 x 12v shadow box frame LO to get finished today. I've been asked to do these as memory boxes for residents in a care home in Ipswich, not the one I work at.
Did you see my two page spead in the lastest Creativity mag? It's using the Papermania Portobello Rd range. I had to do a LO and a card.
Well I must go as I've loads to do, I'd also like to nip to the new Matalan that has opened in Ipswich today.(in Ranleigh Rd)

Janina xx

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hope your next night on duty was less eventful. Was lovely to see you again today and thanks for making me so welcome. Hope to see you again soon.